DAY 2277️⃣2️⃣%

Today, my human rating is 7️⃣2️⃣% 😊👏👏 I’m doing more than I’ve done in a long time … it’s incredibly exciting … … my mobility is very not perfect, but it’s better than it’s been in quite a long time 🏋🏻

DAY 2267️⃣0️⃣%

On Monday this week, I felt quite ‘rough’ because of some of the 💊 HubbleBubbles side effects But by yesterday, Wednesday I was feeling quite a lot better … in fact I felt about 68% human. And today, I feel about 7️⃣0️⃣% human … this is exciting! So I thought each day I’d give myself… Continue reading DAY 2267️⃣0️⃣%

DAY 224🗣️🙂

Feeling a lot better today 😊 … the rashy itchy thing has subsided 😊👏👏

DAY 220 ⛱️🗣️

Yesterday we had a meeting with my consultant, to discuss progress. It seems that, with Mandy’s support, I’m doing well.  Very well 😊😊 Dr Gurung tried to convince me that the change to Apixaban could have caused the rash that’s driving me mad … this distracted my for a few seconds BUT after this distraction,… Continue reading DAY 220 ⛱️🗣️