DAY 77

So much better than the rather unpleasant yesterday. The Steroids have really kicked in, and now I feel very dynamic … I feel as though I’ve been whizzing about everywhere, but I don’t think Mandy would agree 🙄 King’s College Hospital are due to phone this afternoon for a checkup – so I’m trying to… Continue reading DAY 77

DAY 76

I’m sorry that this is a bit long BUT it’s been a really horribly awfully bad day in the office hospital today 🫤 I arrived, registered with reception, and had my blood test. Only 3 bottles today, rather than the normal 5. That’s the day’s good news 😊🎉 Then back to reception to register for… Continue reading DAY 76

DAY 75

Well, I’m not sure, but I think that I may be a bit better than yesterday, but maybe not. My mobility is really not what it should be. I’m working really hard on my positivity … … because I need to right now. Though I feel a bit like this … … slightly lost in… Continue reading DAY 75

DAY 74

A bit very slow again today, and mobility has deteriorated a little. I’d forgotten … that this is what happened last time 🙄 Oh well … be patient 🫤

DAY 73

DAY 73, and so VERY much better than DAY 72! 🥳 … what a relief to no longer be going through steroid Cold Turkey😊 How wonderful to not feel weirdly, and uncontrollably, dopey 😵‍💫 All of the Strange-Steroid-Stuff, must have left my body … Hooray!! But I have to put more of it into me… Continue reading DAY 73

DAY 72

Still quite ‘Dexy’, like yesterday! But I know that I’ll be better tomorrow 🤞

DAY 71

Well, it’s been a bit predictable today … the Steroid, Dexamethasone, has been leaving me, and taking all my energy with it. It’s predictable because, when I had Ken, last year, I had Dexamethasone, and kept a spread sheet, to record things, for the whole treatment. Here’s part of that record for June: As you… Continue reading DAY 71

DAY 70!

What a difference a good sleep makes. Yesterday’s steroids are now helping me run around … I love it … I think. It’s been almost funny … I could hardly stop doing things … and, apparently, I have glowing cheeks 😳 At about 11, there’s a phone call from my Consultant, here in Kent. He… Continue reading DAY 70!

DAY 69

Well, that was a blast! In for my Blood Test at 10:00 Then on to the treatment centre for Chemotherapy Wide awake, and happyish There, my nurse is Joanne, and she’s very positive. We start with a cocktail of 20 steroid tablets, some antihistamine, and topped off with paracetamol 😋 I feel fine, and we… Continue reading DAY 69

DAY 68

I’m really not looking forward to tomorrow … I’m not afraid … I’m not worried … … I just don’t want to do it (it = go & have more chemo/Ken/Hubble 😐 I know it’s stupid. I know that the treatment will help me. I know that the medical staff are wonderful, but … …… Continue reading DAY 68