DAY 77

So much better than the rather unpleasant yesterday.

The Steroids have really kicked in, and now I feel very dynamic …

I feel as though I’ve been whizzing about everywhere, but I don’t think Mandy would agree 🙄

red smoke illustration
Whizzy thing! P.S. I like this picture 🙂

King’s College Hospital are due to phone this afternoon for a checkup – so I’m trying to remember any/all of the questions that we have 🤔 it’s very tricky 🧐.

OK … the call was simple, and apparently she was a haematologist – but she didn’t know anything about my blood test levels. Oh well!
One of the side effects of dear old Chem Ken, is worryingly called “Mood Changes” … I wonder if I have that.
Am I turning into Mr Grumpy?

Answers on a postcard please!

After the joys of yesterday, I’m wondering about converting into a self published DIY book, and calling it … “Waiting for Ken!” 🤣


  1. Morning
    Well after yesterdays fiasco …
    We have discussed chewed and regurgitated 👀 it is not nice feeling when you have to check up on your consultant and his team but that’s how it is and we know now to doubly vigilant x
    We are trying to be vigilant and do our part ( and we are missing you all terribly through that) . Now we will jump up a notch to make sure this whole process has the best outcome 😉 by checking ! checking !
    Mistakes happen but we don’t want them thank you !
    That was yesteday we were both shocked and we’ve had a moan !
    Today is today and we are up having a coffee in garden smiling and ready to move forward
    Love to you all
    Steve’s crying like the
    Pottery Judge now 😢🤣

  2. Mr Grumpy has a lovely green hat and has to come out sometimes, otherwise how would anyone know what a lovely hat he has. Big hugs and sunshine your way xxx

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