DAY 76

blue body of water with orange thunder

I’m sorry that this is a bit long BUT it’s been a really horribly awfully bad day in the office hospital today 🫤

I arrived, registered with reception, and had my blood test.
Only 3 bottles today, rather than the normal 5.

That’s the day’s good news 😊🎉

Then back to reception to register for today’s HubbleBubbly Velcade, aka Bortezomib.

Then wait, and wait, and wait … and wonder what’s going on, and finally ask staff nurse.
Apparently I hadn’t been registered with reception 🤨🤨 …

I could have been waiting for days, weeks or months 🕸

close up photo of skull with cobweb on brick wall
Am I being over dramatic?

Then wait, and wait, and eventually ask again 😡 what’s going on ?????????? … I’m getting a bit grumpy 😖 I said that I want to cancel today, and come back tomorrow.

That didn’t go down at all well 🫣 … with anyone 😬

There’s a lot of chatter, questions and mumbling … and I’m given a chair/bed, vital signs check, and … my BP  is 165 – I’m about to explode 💣 (with frustration and irritation 😤) … it’s never been that high before. After ½ hour, and calm music, it’s dropped 😊 …….. to 157 🧨 ☹️

Then I’m told by staff nurse that I really should have taken antihistamines and paracetamol early this morning because of the Darzalex injection. She’s really quite assertive.

I know that I’m not due a Darzelex injection this week 😳🙄

I say that I’m not due a Darzalex injection today – but she says you definitely are, and gives me a little pot of antihistamines and paracetamol.

After much toing and froing (aka to & fro), and more “discussion” the staff nurse returns, and says “you are right!”

And sort of apologises sheepishly as she very rapidly whisks away the little pot of antihistamines and paracetamol. I think she was quite embarrassed … and she should be!

Then there’s another wait for the Bortezomib (Velcade) injection… and again wait … and wait. Eventually it arrives and the 2.5 mg jab takes less than 45 seconds🙄🙄

Then I’m free to go – 2 ¼ hours after arriving 🙄🤬👺👹

THERE’S MORE ….. 👹👿🤡😤😤😤😤

Later, I phone the Consultant’s specialist nurse with questions …

What should my Velcade dose be? The answer 2 mg.

SO I’ve been given too large a dose, and this is the stuff that affects my mobility. I’m really quite angry now. She apologises, and says that she’ll have to tell the consultant and ward. OK do that!

And another thing – my Platelets have gone down again 😢

Here’s the picture now …

Blooming Platelets!

Apart from all these mistakes, it’s been a goodish day 😂

I really definitely do remain very positive x


  1. Well it would be boring if it was straightforward… you did make me smile with your comment about potentially waiting months 😄

    Love you lots Xxxxx

  2. Ahhhh flipping ‘eck…. glad you got that apology…I’m wondering what the calm music was?

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