DAY 68

I’m really not looking forward to tomorrow …

I’m not afraid …

I’m not worried …

… I just don’t want to do it (it = go & have more chemo/Ken/Hubble 😐

I know it’s stupid.

I know that the treatment will help me.

I know that the medical staff are wonderful, but …

… I just can’t describe how intensely I don’t want to go to hospital tomorrow, for more chemicals.

It’s almost childish.

I still feel very positive about things, and very positively don’t want to go and have more Ken, tomorrow!

RIGHT ………. That’s that off my chest!


I’m driving again today 👏😊 and loving it.

We’re out on what is another blue sky sunny day.

Just going to deliver some gifts, and then may, very possibly, go for a walk in the Friary.

That may help me feel better about tomorrow … but it may not.

One of my/our worries when I drive, now, is that fatigue may suddenly kick in … and that’s slightly compounded by Mandy worrying about my concentration 🙄😱

The fatigue thing, is part of the aftermath of the chemo used in Stem Cell Transplant – and it’s very real 🥱

Well I started to show ‘symptoms’, while we were out today … and so we headed home, rather than to The Friary.

But I’ve had a lovely day … probably better than I’ll have tomorrow 😕🙃🤣

One comment

  1. Hi
    Sometimes it’s better not to know !
    I think that’s the case of the owner of this Blog 🤣
    No one wants to have Chemo ( Ken) as he calls it ,but it’s part of the agreement, the contract , the happening that hopefully will stop a thing happening . I certainly don’t relish the idea of “ more” that will
    Probably make him dosey( maybe I should say drowsy) and make him less present in the room as they say x BUT having seen the man slowly come back to life once the sessions have stopped I’m filled with huge
    Longing to say
    “ come on let’s do this let’s get it over with before the hot summer days so we can sit with people again and not worry about bugs and germs ,
    be the same as all the rest .
    I know its not me facing Chemo but I sure am a big part of the recovery sessions 🤣. As I might add are are all of you family and friends that Hubble Bubble along with us 😊 we know your there in the wings waiting for us to “Pop Out”
    Once we get things moving all will fall into place and before we know it
    You Richard,Steve ,Dad, Pops, Grandad ,Brother, Uncle and anything
    Else you may be called 😳 will be
    Ringing that Bell
    Your carer 😘

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