DAY 69

Well, that was a blast!

In for my Blood Test at 10:00

Then on to the treatment centre for Chemotherapy

Wide awake, and happyish

The Treatment Area

There, my nurse is Joanne, and she’s very positive.

We start with a cocktail of 20 steroid tablets, some antihistamine, and topped off with paracetamol 😋

I feel fine, and we talk about all sorts of things for 15 minutes or so, – as you do when in hospital.

I’m given tea and biscuits – and relax 😌

30 minutes later, Joanne returns for the main part of this get together 🙂

And now the world has changed …………. I’m so immensely tired that I can hardly (only just) talk sense (I think).

Then more HubblyBubbly injections (in my tum) with the wonderfully named, Daratumumab and Bortezomib

Half an hour after that I can very happily go home 🙂 …

… and brilliantly/wonderfully/thankfully Mandy comes to collect me x

P.S. I’ve received a reply to the question that I sent to Myeloma Uk on Saturday …

Thank you for your email, my name is Katie and I am one of the Myeloma Information Specialists here at Myeloma UK.Treatment with daratumumab (Darazlex®), bortezomib (Velcade®), thalidomide and dexamethasone (DVTD) is given for six cycles. The first four cycles are given before high-dose therapy and stem cell transplantation (HDT-SCT), with a further two cycles given after HDT-SCT – this is known as consolidation treatment. The aim of consolidation treatment is to provide a deeper and longer-lasting response to the initial treatment. Research shows that when DVTD treatment is given in this way, it increases the chance of a longer remission time and longer overall survival.

More later ………………….. 🙂🥱😴 maybe 😉

But probably not, sorry Blog, and Blog readers … I need more sleep 😵‍💫🥱


  1. 1st day of the next session of Chemo
    Both of us feel a bit sick at the thought of going back to slight
    “ unwellness “ if there is such a word 😊
    I delivered Steve to Galton right on time
    We shared a big hug and agreed – ok here we go , what fun we will have on his return sorting out the timing and quantities of drugs. Takes quite a bit of awareness and concentration – which in these emotional times seem to be a bit diminished 🤣 However we will soon get in the swing of it and Sunny Days are coming – they will make it so much easier x
    Poor Steve’s medication grabbed him by the collar very abruptly
    so by the time we got home a hot cup of tea and CRASH he was in the land of Nod x just for an hour or two 👏🏻
    I have to admit I was feeling a wave of tiredness too but stayed awake just incase of “side effects “ No problemo !
    Bounced back and we chatted over super about this strange day x
    Can’t believe we are doing this again
    As usual we are counting our blessings to be having treatment

    Stay with us all this is the exciting road to recovery x

  2. That is quite the cocktail, I’m not surprised you felt a bit snoozy. Well done for cracking on with it, you’re amazing ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    Rest, rest and more rest, you’ll soon be out of hibernation Xxxxx ♥️🌺🌸🌼

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