DAY 70!

What a difference a good sleep makes. Yesterday’s steroids are now helping me run around … I love it … I think.

It’s been almost funny … I could hardly stop doing things … and, apparently, I have glowing cheeks 😳

At about 11, there’s a phone call from my Consultant, here in Kent. He asked many questions, and told me how well I was progressing.

And then he told me that in about 4 weeks, I’d be having a Biopsy to check that the HubbleBubble treatment had hit the mark.

I’ve had that done once. It’s quite a painful process.

First an anaesthetic injection into the top & back of the pelvis.

Then a sharp needle probe into the bone to gather fluid from the bone.

And then, what to me felt like a Black&Decker drill, with a large drill bit, pushing int my pelvis to gather samples of bone marrow.

And then they can tell whether there are any of the nastybeastyhorribleevil cells in my pelvis

So it’s quite important – but I didn’t really (or really didn’t) want to hear that today.

But we did talk about my blood result levels, and agreed that the platelet level had at last shown sides of increasing …

Platelets in purple 🙂 (y scale is not direct)

ANYWAY! …….. I feel so much better at the moment (1pm) after the chemo bashing of yesterday!

By 4pm, I’m really glad to slow down … and have no choice about that😵‍💫


  1. Oh gosh, that does sound quite hurty! Coffee and cake at the ready for after it ☕️🧁

    Hope you’ve had another good sleep Xx

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