DAY 86

Only two weeks, and it’ll be DAY 100!

And my four weeks of Stem Cell Transplant in King’s College Hospital feels like something that happened to somebody else, a very long time ago.

Anyway … today I’m …


Yes, it’s that lovely time when the steroids leave my body, and leave me feeling strange, a bit incompetent, slightly edgy, and unable to walk very well.

I’m so glad that I know about these effects from my four Chemo Ken cycles last year … it would be really quite scary otherwise.

Here are some of my notes from last year. I know that I’m a bit weird doing all off this, but very pleased that I did.

Steroids – Last Year

We (I) had to go for another Blood Test today … Mandy’s battling with the aftermath off a cold, and I didn’t really (really didn’t) want to go. But bless her, she drove us in to get it done.

And there, in Hospital, where they’re dealing with all sorts of very stressy things, it’s amazing how much joy is apparent in the staff’s faces. It’s a bit like having Therapy without the Chem!