DAY 88

I was diagnosed with this nastybeastyhorribleevil disease, just over a year ago.  And apart from all of the medical stuff, we were advised to: 

  1. Claim Attendance Allowance (AA)
  1. Get a Blue Badge (BB)

So we did.  

AA is quite cool, because it means that Mandy gets paid (a bit) to attend to my every wish 🙂.  (You’ll know that I’m exaggerating a bit when I say that 🙄)

There’s a totally horrendous AA form to fill – but a lady at my doctor’s surgery did that for us last year 😉

 Well … now we have to do it again, and this time WE have do it ourselves 🎭

That’s what I’ve been trying to do today 🤨

So I’ve spent this morning, declaring how very incompetent I am😵‍💫

It’s really not good for my confidence🙁

AND there are some worrying private personal questions to answer ☺️

Oh well … on we go 🤔