DAY 104

It’s a Hubble Bubble day, and amongst other things, that means lots of steroids.

These seem to be hitting me much harder than last year😕

Here are some of the Side Effects which are definitely with me. They arrive very quickly …

All three of the last one, are all mine!

So if you should happen to speak to me, at times like this, be patient, please.
The funny thing is that I can look on 👀 and know that I’m a bit odd 😐

It really is like living a film script 🥸 and I’m slightly amazed that I can put these words together – on days like these 🙂

After the Hubble Bubble Mandy called in at our local pharmacy to collect a few small items of “ordinary” medication.

Here she is, returning with a smile, a walking stick, and ankle brace (for her injured foot) – with an enormous bag of ‘stuff’ including things left over from months ago 🙄

It all gets stranger everyday! 🤣