DAY 108

Today, and the last few days have been quite rough, and not nice, a bit like this …

I’d totally forgotten, that HubbleBubble drugs accumulate over time, so that the side effects increase as days go by.
And one of the big effects is Weird, Utterly Limiting, Fatigue 🥱

It’s not just like being a bit tired … it’s actually so intense that it makes me feel a bit dim, daft, and incompetent 😵‍💫

And it’s quite hard to stay positive when I feel like that 🙃

The trick is to … Manage Energy 🙂

Apparently, HubbleBubble fatigue has these effects …

… and I totally agree with that. This is a very special and intense form of ‘tiredness’. It’s as though someone has opened a tap, and let ALL of my energy run out.

But now I know what to do … so things will get better, I’ll become more positive again … and happy days will return 😊