DAY 113🙄

We’re in a snow shaker!

Hope the roads will clear ! Then I’ll be ready for this at midday 🤣

Pelvic Bone Digger 🙂

I drove into hospital, and all ok in terms of snow and roads.  Arriving at the unit and there were ambulances in my way … so I waited and waited and waited – but that was fine.

In I go for my blood test, again 🙄 … they wanted more this time … that was fine.

All done, and off I go to sort out a wheel chair to take me to the Haematology area for Bone Marrow (Aspiration) Biopsy.  It’s at the furthest point in the Hospital from where I am – about 2.5 miles away … it would take me days to get there on my crutches*.  Eventually, a Porter and chair were booked, though it was quite a struggle – but that was fine.

So I sat and waited, hand a cup of tea and biscuit, watched the clock, had to be there by 12:00 for the consultant to do his Black& Decker Hammer Drill thing.  A young lady porter arrived at 11:50 and whisked me away.  We were there by 12:00 – so that was really fine (and amazing, I don’t know how we did it so quickly).

A short while later, a nurse came to me to prepare for the Hammer Drill thing, and at the end asked, “are you on any blood thinners?”.  I said “yes, Rivaraxoban” – her face changed as she said “OH” “Do you know what dose” … I said “No, but I can check on the spread sheet on my Phone”  … “10mg” … She said “I’ll have to check this with the doctor”.  That was fine, but slightly weird.

Anyway after I while I meet the Doctor, who apologises and says that they can’t go ahead because of the Rivaraxoban.  Part of me laughs inside and says “thank God!” and part of me thinks “this is ridiculous and intensely irritating, to have to do all this again”. That’s NOT fine.

She also says that it should be done when HubbleBubble (not her exact words) is finished – which is the week after next  (because it was late starting).  Anyway – they’ll be in touch with a new date.

So back with the chair and porter to my starting point, where I tell reception about the fiasco, then off to my car for chocolate (Cadbury’s) and coffee, and some deep breaths, phone home – the news doesn’t go down well, so head home feeling angry (honestly – I don’t get angry easily [I’m quite logical & Zen really]) – you can tell from my brackets, they’re fine!

In the car, I wonder if it’s possible to sack my Consultant, and swap him for a better one.  He’s made some other mistakes (which actually could have been dangerous – to me)


To cut this over-long epistle short … we talk it over (obviously) … and eventually, after a cooling-off period, I phone the Macmillan Nurses (who seem to me to be in control of everything), and tell them that I want to swap my Consultant for a better one.

Probably more later … heaven alone knows where this is going. 

Ok … the more later has arrived.

The Macmillan Nurses have called back. We’ve talked through today’s problem (and a few others) … and the wheels have been set in motion, to swap Consultants.

I really hope I’m doing the right thing.

It’s slightly scary 😳

*Crutches, because of the current effect of HubbleBubble on my mobility.