DAY 123

Our world changed again yesterday, when I went for my blood test.  

After the test I was given another list of appointments – for the next two months.  

It was all about Chemo, in fact it was two more cycles of what I’ve been doing – and am just finishing. 

So I phoned Macmillan Nurses, who said that my new consultant was not Dr A … and eventually I ended up talking to my original consultant, Dr G. 

Apparently the schedule is totally wrong.  

As I thought, right now I’m waiting for the Biopsy – and then if the results of that are ok, some lighter weight Hubble Bubble with a chemical called Lenalidomide. 

In passing – after expressions of regret –  I’m now back under the care of Dr G.

I’ve just had a phone call to tell me that the new Biopsy date is 27th March 🙄

The combination of HubBub and trying to work out what’s supposed to be happening when has been TOTALLY EXHAUSTING

It’s been quite a struggle writing this post today … because I’m totally very extremely tired, and feel even more tired than this …