DAY 126

Off for another bloomin Blood Test, this morning …

Back soon 😊 …

… All done, and that was OK. The nurse said that I’m looking stronger every time she sees me 💪💪

After that, we head off to Maidstone for some shopping.

I’m struggling a bit today with pain in my left hip … maybe it’s a lack of steroids (they’re anti inflammatory amongst other things).

We go into M&S for some foody things.  

Mandy gets a trolly (zimmer frame🙄) for me, and off I go.  

I struggle to get through the shop doors, and two ladies rush towards me to help.  I sometimes can’t believe how kind people can be ☺️

I suddenly realise that I haven’t been in this shop since October last year, and feel really quite strangely and slightly worryingly, excited to see the flowers and fruit and everything else.  I feel a sort of wonderful freedom … as I wobble around with my zimmertrolley , but feeling like a bird in an empty sky …

After that I drive us home, fairly slowly and safely.

Apart from my left hip pain, and ever so slightly slower-than-normal thought processing, I feel almost normal 👏👏😊

In the evening, by chance, we watch a beautiful film called “The Kindness of Strangers ” …

… which makes me think about some of the people I’ve met today.
Isn’t kindness wonderful 🙂