DAY 136

It’s been a funny old time.  

It seems that the Zoledronic Acid infusion that I had last Friday, has caused some unpleasant side effects – hip pain, flu symptoms, faintness … things like that.

That was followed by the biopsy on Monday… with all of the associated stress effects (which turned out to be unnecessary) 🙄

Then on Wednesday I woke with stomach pain, and battled through the morning trying to make it go away.  It did very slightly, and in the afternoon I decided to have warm shower to help me feel better.   I took my time.  After the shower, as I was wrapped in a towel, Mandy called me to see how I felt.  This was at about 3pm.

I said I don’t think I can stand here, holding onto the sink, any longer, and with that slowly fell to the floor.

I couldn’t get up.

Whatever I tried … I could not get up.

I shigled my body, with Mandy’s help, from the shower room to the lounge.

This we not good at all.

I tried pulling myself onto it a settee – impossible!

We tried all sorts of ways – and in the end, at 6pm, decided that we had to call 999 … and did.

There was a surprisingly quick response, and I was rapidly checked over by two brilliant Paramedics.

They levitated me on an inflatable lift 👏😊

And to our relief there was no need for a hospital visit.

They were truly wonderful.

The only thing that they left us (Mandy) to do was to take a urine sample to my GP

We did that this afternoon, and it turns out that I have an infection, and at 7pm this evening I started a court of antibiotics. 👏

Thank God for our NHS 👏🌈