DAY 139

The infection thingy, and it’s associated horrible* antibiotics are a bit wearing …

… but today has been a beautiful blue sky day, which we’ve spent, mostly, in the garden.

I’m half way through the antibiotics 💊

* here are some of the side effects …

•   Nausea
•   Vomiting
•   Loss of appetite
•   Abdominal pain
•   Diarrhoea
•   Flatulence
•   Abnormal weakness or loss of energy
•   Vertigo
•   Rapid, involuntary eye movements
•   Dizziness
•   Headache
•   Drowsiness
•   Confusion
•   Depression
•   Hair loss
•   Urine discoloration
•   Inflammation of the salivary glands
•   Sore throat
•   Fever
•   Rash
•   Itchy skin
•   Hives
•   Joint pain
•   Muscle pain
•   Shivering chills