DAY 2689️⃣0️⃣.3️⃣% 🤬

Today I had my last (I really hope) Zelodronic Acid infusion.  It’s the one that gives me aches and pains and Flu for about 3 days.  

My Nurse, Camille (who by the way is excellent), checked that it was my last infusion and after searching through my records said “No it’s not.  This treatment goes on into next year”  

My face did this … in my imagination – whilst my head thought … another mistake? Or have I got it wrong?

I felt a little perturbed that my consultant hadn’t informed the schedulers that this was my last Zelodronic infusion.  He and I had discussed this when I saw him a few weeks ago.

And then …

I heard that there was an instruction that my consultant was not to be contacted by anyone (absolutely anyone) in August 🫨🫢

Oh dear … I hope he’s ok, but this sounds a bit worrying.  

More later, as this situation unwraps itself  …