Day 5009️⃣7️⃣.5️⃣%😊👍🎉

Today is DAY 500!  

It’s 500 days since my Stem Cells danced happily back into my body, during the Stem Cell Transplant in November 2022.

It’s also 62 days since my last HubbleBubble blog post – on Day 438.

In those 62 days I’ve been growing slowly and steadily stronger, whilst battling with the weird fatigue which accompanies recovery, and a bit of muddle headedness which accompanies doses of Lenalidomede for maintenance therapy.

Well, as you see, I’m now 97.5% human 😊🥳👏  (by my careful estimation) … that’s 2.5% more human than I was on Day 438.

I’m still a rather limpy wobbly walker because of the chemotherapy induced Peripheral Neuropathy (PN) in my legs …

… but not quite as bad as this 🙄🤣

Apart from that, I’m doing quite well, feeling very positive, and I’m going to see if there’s some way to reverse PN.

Have a very good Easter break everyone !