DAY 46

Well, another day to chill, and think back over 2022.

For me like many people, I guess, the worst part of 2022 is the horrendous terrorist attack on Ukraine.

A really good part of 2022, for me/us is the way that we’ve worked through my Myeloma diagnosis back in February, followed by four months of Chemotherapy, and then four weeks in hospital having a Stem Cell Transplant. P.S. I always knew that I was rugged!

Another very good part of 2022, for me, is that I somehow managed to make this HubbleBubble blog work, when I was feeling quite chemo-druggy.

St Huw of Forest Hill provided some wonderful kindness and magic that huwgely helped me get through the King’s College Hospital experience. What a difference that made!

And the best part of 2022 for me, is the way that our family and friends have kept in touch … supporting me and us through everything. You have so helped to keep me afloat.

a man rowing a small boat with a sail
I’m still afloat

Slightly alarmingly I’ve just checked where HubbleBubble is being read … and the statistics say U.K., USA, European Union, China, Australia, Singapore, Canada, Vietnam …

It’s meant to be for you and us, only!

Oh well … we wish the world a very happy 2023 …

And we wish you (yes YOU!) a very beautiful, happy and healthy 2023. Thank you so much for being there x