DAY 58

Yet another blood test this morning 🙄

And I was given my latest test results:

Blood Test Results

I’ve been a bit worried, recently, about my haemoglobin things in general, and RDW in particular.

I haven’t mentioned it here before, in case it caused any worries.

RDW is a measure of the uniformity of red blood cells. The bigger the number, the less uniform they are – and that’s not good news.

Here’s a graph of the changes in my RDW and Platelets, over the last three weeks. (Platelets help you stop bleeding)

RDW & Platelet levels

Red Blood Cells and Platelets are formed from Stem Cells 😬

This shows that my RDW has increased, and my Platelets have decreased over the last three weeks. This is not ideal.

Because of this, I checked with my consultant, last week … and he said: THERE’S NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT !!! 😊😊 ok

SO … I’m not going to worry about it – and nor should anyone else!