Honestly … I am feeling better, and much more mobile – I think the switch to Apixaban has made a massive difference. I’m so glad that my consultant let me change medication, even though he felt that it wouldn’t make a difference. I’m a bit worried that I might go above 100% in my measure… Continue reading DAY 2408️⃣5️⃣%☺️
Category: Uncategorized
DAY 2398️⃣4️⃣%😊
DAY 2388️⃣1️⃣%
DAY 2378️⃣1️⃣% ⛱️
DAY 2368️⃣1️⃣% 🙂
DAY 2358️⃣1️⃣%
Really happy to say that I’m feeling better (again) today 😊 So I’m going to stay with taking Lenalidomide at 6:30 to 7:00 pm I honestly feel quite human 🤣, with very few daytime side effects 👏 It’s really paid to experiment with ‘tablet times’ 🥳 👏👏🤗🥳😊🤣
DAY 2347️⃣0️⃣%
Not as good as I’d hoped … but could have been worse. So Lenalidomide tablet tonight at 🕖
DAY 2337️⃣5️⃣%😊
By 6pm yesterday, I was feeling better, and today I’m back up to 7️⃣5️⃣% human 👏👏 I’ve taken no more Lenalidomide – but I will tonight at about 8:30 … and I’ll probably feel rotten again, fairy quickly after that … … and then I’ll feel better … I actually feel better than 75% human… Continue reading DAY 2337️⃣5️⃣%😊
DAY 2324️⃣8️⃣%
Feel very uncomfortable today. I took the Lenalidomide capsule at about 8am and slowly wen down hill, so that by 12:00 I felt less than ½ human … hence the 48%. A bit later Mandy found the instruction on the Lenalidomide box … TAKE AT NIGHT … 🙄 So maybe things will be better tomorrow… Continue reading DAY 2324️⃣8️⃣%