More coming Progressing quite well I think/hope. Pneumonia and Shingles jabs yesterday 💉💉 Consultant meeting tomorrow 🫤
Category: Uncategorized
DAY 360 to 365 9️⃣3️⃣.9️⃣%🥳🗣️😊
A year ago today was my first full day in Hospital for the Stem Cell Transplant! And tomorrow is … the first anniversary of the return of my dear little Stem Cells. Some treat this day as a Very Special and Very Different BIRTHDAY 😊 TO ME!
DAY 349 to 359 9️⃣3️⃣.3️⃣% 😊🗣️
Things are going quite well … I’m on a lower dose of the rather unpleasant Lenalidomide … I can feel the difference, and more importantly Mandy has detected an improvement 😊👏🥳 My walking has slightly improved – I’m working on it 🙂 I’m far more alert (or at least I think I am!). I’m having… Continue reading DAY 349 to 359 9️⃣3️⃣.3️⃣% 😊🗣️
DAY 336 to 348 9️⃣3️⃣.3️⃣%😊
DAY 3359️⃣3️⃣%🗣️😊
Feeling much better today … thank goodness 😅 Good news today is … that a box of lower dose Lenalidomide will be arriving by courier on Wednesday This means that my mobility should improve soon …
DAY 3349️⃣3️⃣%🙂
DAYS 323 to 3339️⃣3️⃣% 🙂
It’s been an interesting 10 days 🙄 … … starting with a trip to hospital for a progress meeting with my consultant. Everything is good, I’m still in remission 🥳👏👏. On the following day, I felt a bit strange, but ok, and on the day after I recognised what I was feeling – it was… Continue reading DAYS 323 to 3339️⃣3️⃣% 🙂
DAY 3229️⃣2️⃣%🙂🩸
First blood test in a month. And at my local surgery. All good, and I should get the results today. I feel ok, but a bit wobblier than normal after Sunday’s fall 🙄
DAY 3219️⃣2️⃣%🗣️🗣️
Yesterday 1st October was a lovely warm day, and we spent most of our time happily in the garden 🪴 BUT at about 3pm, I went to fetch some things from the house, and as I headed back to our sun spot, missed by footing and fell. And then couldn’t get up! I couldn’t get… Continue reading DAY 3219️⃣2️⃣%🗣️🗣️