DAY 214🗣️😵‍💫

Today I’ve been very itchy 😕 … I just can’t stop scratching …. … it was really irritating, until I found this! “Multiple Myeloma Patients with Lenalidomide-Associated Skin Rash Have a Favourable Prognosis” Now, I’m happy to scratch 😊🤣 Happy Days! 😊

DAY 212⛱️🗣️

Yesterday, I had a call from the hospital 😳.  It was to tell me about the situation with Rivaroxaban & Apixaban.  These are HubblyBubbly things which limit blood clotting, and are essential when taking things like Lenalidomide because it tends to cause blood clots … and nobody wants a clot 🙄 Apparently my Consultant said… Continue reading DAY 212⛱️🗣️

DAY 209🥳

It’s a blood test day, and I’ve been slightly worried in case (like last time) my kidneys are playing up ……. BUT ……. I’ve just found out that EVERYTHING IS OK The Lenalidomide is affecting my fingers slightly, but exercises like this help 😊 I feel very very lucky 🙂

DAY 208😊🥳

What a lovely weekend … my younger daughter, son-in-law and two lovely granddaughters came to visit us for a few days. We haven’t been able to do this since before Covid, and my Myeloma diagnosis. That’s 3 years plus, and it was absolute wonderful (and quite emotional).

DAY 207🗣️🥱

Hottest day of the year so far 🥵 I’ve sent a request to my Consultant, via my support team, to request that he considers swapping Rivaroxaban for Apixaban. Apparently he’s on leave at the moment 🙄.