DAY 26

Can you tell … … that I’m pleased to be home? Taking everything slowly. Recovering gently, and happily x


I can’t find the words to describe how wonderful it is to be at home again. My emotions include: 😊🙂🤣😌😉😴🥱😵‍💫🤡😬🤗🥳😍🥲🥰❤️😋🎉 and more. Most of all I’m happy and hugely grateful to you, yes you! I’m unsurprisingly a bit slow, and cautious (because of infection risks) – but I’m working at becoming stronger. What a beautiful… Continue reading DAY 25 & HOME

DAY 24

🎄❄️🚀🎉🤶🌲🥳🍾🎈🎊 IT’S MY LAST DAY IN HOSPITAL!!! I’m so pleased, and grateful for everything thing that the staff here hav done for me. I must admit that I’m a little emotional 💗 More later – thank you everyone for your wonderful support. 😳 Look at my Neutrophil level today … my body must have known… Continue reading DAY 24

DAY 23

Even though my neutrophils have decreased a little … This Is A Very Good Day! Here’s today’s neutrophil situation: And here’s the situation for some of my other blood cells: Some of these blood cells are a bit low, and that can make me a bit weak and/or tired. But these will recover over time.… Continue reading DAY 23

DAY 22

Well, things are definitely improving – but not as fast as I’d hoped. Here’s today’s Neutrophil graph: The problem right now, is lack of energy, and that’s probably because my Haemoglobin is a bit low at 81. The healthy range is 130 to 175 gms/litre. Another important marker CRP (C-reactive protein) indicates level of infection.… Continue reading DAY 22

DAY 21

21 has always been a lucky number, for me … so look at this … I’ll explain this and some other good news bits in a while – but I need a rest first x

DAY 20

Well, another strange day. Every time I’ve tried writing here … someone’s burst into my room, with medication, or to check me out, or to tell me something …. Well it’s 5:50 pm and I’m going to try to put the Neutrophil graph on here. There we go. It’s gone down 🙁 More tomorrow 😊… Continue reading DAY 20

DAY 19

So far, DAY 19 Is much better than DAY 18, though my temperature is still a bit uppity 🙄. I’ll add more here as the day unfolds. 🤞. My fingers are crossed x Well the good news today is that my Neutrophils have increased beautifully. Look at this … My body is fighting back 🤣🚀

DAY 18

A trip to X-RAY today! And here’s a video of my return journey 🎄🤶 A good day for neutrophils too: That’s really good, but yesterday was quite bad for me because my temperature “spiked”, and I couldn’t do much at all. I’m writing this today Sunday DAY19, and so far I’m better than yesterday 😊🎉

DAY 17

WELL! LOOK AT THIS … My Neutrophils have DOUBLED!👏👏👏😊🤣🎉😍 The Consultant has just appeared. We had a long and slightly emotional talk. When Neutrophils increase like this … everything starts improving 👏👏. I’m so happy. BUT! There’s a downside … my eyebrows have started falling out 🙁. I can cope with that .. I’ve been… Continue reading DAY 17