DAY 20

Well, another strange day. Every time I’ve tried writing here … someone’s burst into my room, with medication, or to check me out, or to tell me something …. Well it’s 5:50 pm and I’m going to try to put the Neutrophil graph on here.

There we go. It’s gone down 🙁 More tomorrow 😊

Oh, they’ve also found that I have a slight infection in my right lung 🫤😊

One comment

  1. Morning to you
    Wasn’t the best day ever was it x Stay positive and hopefully you’ll be back to corridor trips soon x
    Bet a few people are missing you walking past 😊

    Consultants are on your case and we are all sending good vibes .
    Face time me later and maybe we can crack the crossword together 😘🤣

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