DAY 145🗣️

A goodish day for me, though M had/has a tooth problem 🫤 NB … From today onwards if I’m not writing a blog post, I’ll put 😴 after the Post number e.g. DAY 145😴 … but if I am writing a post I’ll put this 🗣️ after the number e.g. DAY 145 🗣️. Hope that’s… Continue reading DAY 145🗣️

DAY 144

A day with no Nitrofurontain antibiotics … Hooray 😊👏🥳 I feel ok, but very tired, and a bit (worryingly) weak.

DAY 143

Feeling slightly better, and only one more AntiB to go ☺️

DAY 142

Blue sky day 😊 today. Only two more AntiB pills to take. So looking forward to Day 145 … and being rid of AntiB side effects 😊👏👏👏

DAY 141

I didn’t take my nasty antibiotic pill this morning. I needed to be sure that I’d be ok for my Consultant’s phone call. Dr Gurung called at 1 o’clock. He doesn’t have all of the results yet, but so far, things look ok 🤞 Dr Gurung is going to arrange another meeting in a week… Continue reading DAY 141

DAY 140

A positive day … I was due for a Blood Test, and a meeting with my consultant tomorrow – but because of the antibiotic’s side effects I’ve decided not to do either of those. Instead, I should have a phone ‘meeting’ with my consultant tomorrow, and I’ve changed the blood test appointment to next week.… Continue reading DAY 140

DAY 139

The infection thingy, and it’s associated horrible* antibiotics are a bit wearing … … but today has been a beautiful blue sky day, which we’ve spent, mostly, in the garden. I’m half way through the antibiotics 💊 * here are some of the side effects …

DAY 138

So far, a bit better today – though side effects of the Antibiotic 🥱😵‍💫🥴 are as dramatic as those of HubbleBubble!