1st Apheresis

22nd August 2022

Apheresis: a process to remove a blood component (in this case stem cells) and return the remainder to the patient

Up at 5am, after a truly horribly bad nights lack of sleep!

Quite a lot of pain from my self-inflicted injections, so at 3am I take some pain killers.

I think that I must also have been worrying about today, because it is SO IMPORTANT.

Enjoy a small breakfast with M in the garden –  it’s a truly beautiful morning 

Ready to head for London by 6am.

Driver arrives at 6:15 all ok. Very pleasant man who’s sat-nav is faulty 🙄 

We get lost, trying to find the house of two other patients.

Eventually we find them, and they turn out to be a couple that I’ve met before.  It was good to see Lisa and Lester again, and to compare notes.

Then on to London and hospital. 

Arriving, I’m given a bed, and blood test. 

I really want the bed!

Talk with nurse, who’s very pleased that it’s going to be a positive day!

Later, the nurse tells me that I was infectiously radiating positivity.

Isn’t that wonderful! Me?

I found that very moving, and I’m totally delighted if I can spread it about a bit. (Though no idea how that works.)

I desperately want to sleep. I could almost cry, I’m so tired. 

The blood test results are due back by 10:30, and will indicate my stem cell qualifications.

Do I have any Stem Cells? ……. 

……… eventually, I’m told YES!

I have some, and Apheresis can go ahead JOY! 😊

There are five beds in the Apheresis Unit , and it’s incredibly busy.

I take more pain killers (agreed by nurse). 

OH God … I need to sleep… please.  

I really really hope that I have enough stem cells. 

There’s a lot of blood in this room. And beepy things.  And computer screens.  And tubes. And dials. And bags of yellow plasma.

Tea and biscuits at 10:45. 

Here’s a picture that my delightful my nurse took …

The red fluid contains my stem cells 🙂 The yellow fluid is plasma. The other bags have other things 🤣!

By 11 am I’m plumbed into a Spectra Optia Apheresis System (aka A Magical Machine)

The staff are wonderful. Really wonderful. Honestly.

At about 4pm I’m disconnected from the magic machine, and my stem cells are sent off to be counted.

Now an anxious wait.

Ideally I need about 450 million stem cells. I think that covers two transplants. (In case a second is required)

I have a bit of a disappointing surprise, and have only 150 million, so far. I’m told that there’ll be more tomorrow, so “don’t be too concerned”.

My 150 million will be safely locked away in my hospital stem cell account.

Staff are are optimistic about tomorrow 

Well, time to go home … and that takes forever as the driver takes what feels like a 250 mile diversion.

BUT it’s so totally wonderful to get home and have a beautiful cup of tea in the garden, followed by a small but really delicious meal. Thank you Mx.

I feel human again as we go to bed at 9:15, ready to be up again at 5am for the Second Apheresis.

I am very grateful to the Universe.


  1. You do radiate positivity ! Thank universes that cups of tea exist, especially after days like that x

  2. Oh bless you Beth. I really didn’t know that I radiated. I feel quite good about that … and cups of tea.

  3. Thanks for sharing this journey… It helps to understand what you are both going through. Sending positive vibes to reinforce your own. ++++++++++++++++

    Can I get in this queue for a cup of tea and biscuits please? xxx

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