DAY 129

I’m a little over excited today, because I’m starting to feel …

a bit Normal!

I managed to change my appointments this week, so that I’m in Hospital on only two days.

I had a🩸Blood Test on Monday, and tomorrow (Friday) at 8:30 🥱 it’s another Bloomin🩸Blood Test and a (frighteningly named) Zoledronic Acid infusion.

Here are some of the more common side effects of Zoledronic Acid …

Agitation, black tarry stools, blurred vision, chest pain ,chills, coma, confusion, convulsions, cough, depression, difficult or labored breathing, dizziness, fever, irregular heartbeat, irritability, lack or loss of strength, lethargy, lower back or side pain, muscle pain or cramps, muscle trembling or twitching, nausea or vomiting, numbness and tingling around the mouth, fingertips, or feet, painful or difficult urination, pale skin, rapid weight gain, seizures, shaking of the hands, arms, feet, legs, or face, skin rash, cracks in the skin at the corners of the mouth, or soreness or redness around the fingernails and toenails, sore throat, sores, ulcers, or white spots on the lips or mouth, stupor, sudden sweating, swollen glands, tightness in the chest, trouble breathing with exercise, unusual bleeding or bruising, unusual tiredness or weakness 🥴

On Monday I have, the famously painful, Black & Decker Jack Hammer Drill Bone Marrow Biopsy 😵‍💫

I hope I’m feeling normal tomorrow …

… and of course on Monday 😬