DAY 130

Here we go again …

Into Hospital for 8:15 am 🫀πŸ₯± for, first, another blood test.

After that, it was time for a Zeldronic Acid infusion.

So I waited.

Had a cup of tea.

Battled with a crossword.

A nurse came and apologised … saying that they were waiting for the results of my blood test – and needed to see my calcium levels.

At about 10:00 I had another cup of tea, and a biscuit …

… and then went to ask if they’d forgotten me πŸ™‚ ..

… and after another 10 minutes it was Zoledronic Acid time.

I was given my blood test results, and things are getting better, slightly slowly, but definitely improving. And here you can see my Platelet level increasing, in a fairly dithery way …