24th>26th August (news)

 Wednesday 24th

We thought today would be a peaceful day and that we both could  recover a bit. 

But unfortunately I had a phone appointment with the hospital psychology department for a check-up.   

Apparently apart from thoroughly checking your body they check your mind to.

I understand why, and am grateful for that.

BUT I was feeling very tired, and totally not ready to be psychologically confronted or mentally poked about.

So, I was a little bit defensive 🙃. 

We agreed to speak later in the day, at 4:30.

Both M and I have been struggling with the Tuesday’s fairly low stem cell count total. 

That could result in more Apheresis sessions – in September, and Transplant being pushed back into the dark days of October or November.

We want to do the best for my health, but we don’t know what that is.

So we have a lot of uncertainty as to what should happen next … and when whatever happens next, will happen.

The day turned quite ‘stressy’.

We took time-out to have a think.  M went to bed, and I did some Googling (trying to find optimum Stem Cell Counts). 

Happily after a bit of a break, and a rest, the day improved.

Then, at 4:30, Hospital Psychology phoned again, and we went through all sorts of thought provoking questions.

To my relief and my family’s amazement, I passed the assessment with flying colours!

So on we go …

Thursday 25/8/22

Thursday was an absolutely essential day of doing nothing terribly important.

A really slow, sleepy, chill out, recovery day. 

Friday 26/8/22

Still feel a bit not right after Monday and Tuesday’s adventures – but determined to go out and do things today.

Made a card for Lisa and Lester (with some careful Apheresis pics) and posted. 

🙄 There’s a post strike today. 

We go to a couple of shops, but I stay in car because of infection risk, and make some phone calls.  

I decide to call the hospital to ask a few questions, and get through to a specialist Myeloma nurse, Susan.

I’m a bit wary of waisting Susan’s time, but she sounded very kind and patient.

About 2 weeks ago, I had a PET CT scan, as a further check on my progress, and asked if any results were available.

Susan couldn’t find the results, but said that she would find them and come back to me.

And then I took a deep breath, and said “I had Apheresis on Monday and Tuesday, do you know when I might hear the outcome, please?”

Susan asked “What were your numbers?”

I said “150 and 130, so 280 so far”

Susan said “Well, that should be plenty.” and ” I believe there’s a meeting on Monday, and I will let you know, whatever happens”

Me “Thank you Susan, I’m very grateful”

My eyes were a bit damp at this point.

On we go …