27th>29th August

Saturday 27th

I spend several hours searching Google for good information on Stem Cell Count numbers, essential for an efficient and effective transplant …

And find that the US Virginia Cancer Institute’s website indicates that: “An optimal number of stem cells to support rapid bone marrow recovery and blood cell production after treatment with high-dose chemotherapy is approximately 5 million cells/kg patient weight”

That’s the sort of information I’ve been looking for, and it seems to be as rare as Fish Fur.

I also find a scientific paper:

Jillella AP, Ustun C. What is the optimum number of blood stem cells for an autologous transplant? Stem Cells Dev. 2004 Dec;13(6):598-606. doi: 10.1089/scd.2004.13.598. PMID: 15684827.

which includes the statement:

It is generally agreed that a minimum dose of 2.5 million cells is necessary for success”

So 2.5 is the minimum for success, and I have 2.8 !!!

For now, I’ll settle for these numbers.

Sunday 28th

Still a bit achy, slow and sleepy after the slight battering of Apheresis.

But, light has dawned. Could my sleepiness be partly due to the Co-Codamol pain-killer tablets that I’ve been taking?

They each contain 30mg of codeine, which becomes morphine, inside our bodies.

A (not very) cunning plan emerges …

I’ll take no more Co-Codamol unless my pain is at level 5 on the “Richter” scale. 

My positivity increases … and on we positively go!

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I think I’ll have this as my flag πŸ§πŸ˜‚

Later, in the afternoon, I see a neighbour Gavvin outside and open a window to say hello.

I recently sent him a link to the Hubble Bubble blog website.

We start talking, and Gavv says “Sam, I feel as if I know you much better” (because of Hubble Bubble)

I vaguely wonder if I’m giving away too much here. But feel that some of this may help others. That’s what I’m hoping.

Monday 29th

A Bank Holiday here, in England.  So really lovely to have a day off 🀣 

We’re wondering if the Hospital will have a Multi Disciplinary Team (MDT) today … because Susan, at the hospital said that there would be. We’re hoping that they would come back with a decision about Stem Cell Transplant (SCT).

It seems unlikely on a Bank Holiday – but we jump whenever a phone calls.

And wait.

And wait!!!

One comment

  1. Have you noticed a difference since stopping taking the co-codamol? Yes, nice to have a day off because of the Bank Holiday πŸ˜„ Xx

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