DAY 2588️⃣9️⃣% 😊

Well! …. we’ve  had visitors … 

Beth (my first daughter) & Steve (another Steve 🙄🤣) and three of my dear Grandchildren 🎉

And what an absolutely totally wonderful time it’s been 😊 😊

I’ve definitely gone from being 84% Human, to 89% Human! … it’s such a joy to see everyone, and I honestly do feel more human … though I wonder what everyone else thinks … and I’m  not sure that they agree 🤓

They had to head home yesterday 🙁 … but now our garden is full of happy echoes. 

We had a painting competition to produce the best self portrait.  Here are the beautiful results of our arty afternoon …

I’m the handsome chap at the top …can you see all the genetic similarities with me?  Aren’t we all lovely 😊

I’m still waiting for some important vaccinations, because the Stem Cell Transplant wiped out any jabs I’d ever been given previously – EVER!

I so wish that I didn’t have to wait so long for these “childhood” vaccinations.  

Their absence is so limiting … even though I feel quite healthy.  

It’s a major HUG deterrent being  vulnerable to things like chickenpox and measles. I quite like an occasional hug …

On we go …


  1. Who’s hugging who 🤣
    It’s true we felt a lot more back to normal ( May it continue to grow)
    Local doctor is on the case now with the help of the receptionist who has had to arrange this for a family member and is leading us on the long winding road in the direction of hopefully” one that can”💉do the Deeds 😳. If that produces Normal
    OMG do we really know what’s
    Ahead 🤣🤣 . In the meantime we progress with 🍏🍐🍊🍋🍇🍌🍌
    All things bright and beautiful
    Last dose of ghastly Zeladronic end of this month 👏
    Just a few of these each day💊 and donations of this 🩸to be checked now and then . Well done
    Richard Stephen Wynn Allen and all who are sailing with him
    Thanks for helping ❤️
    You will

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