Stress, Risk and Worries

Should I phone Hospital to ask how things are progressing???? Do they have a date in mind, for my transplant?


I’ve just phoned, and talked with the Specialist Myeloma SCT nurse, Susan.

Apparently they’ve had problems because the Derek Mitchell Ward had to be closed for a while.

The Derek Mitchel ward is a key STC ward! The STC Hospital Staff must be quite stressed. I feel a bit bad for phoning 🫒

Susan said that she would be in touch soon. I apologised and put the phone down 😬

It’s very strangely stressy, waiting for the Stem Cell Transplant date, and it’s messing with both of our heads! πŸ™ƒπŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«

But, then, I have a cunning plan.

I search a U.K. Myeloma Facebook group, for information about the typical time between Apheresis (Stem Cell Collection) and Transplant. 

I so WISH that I’d thought of this weeks ago!Β 

The answer is a typical time of SIX WEEKS 😬

Obviously it can be a shorter time … but it can be a lot longer.  

I feel a bit stupid for not doing this before πŸ™„.  

Anyway, based on that, I should/could/might be in Hospital, to have my Stem Cells returned to me, by mid October.

I recommend using Facebook groups to find answers to questions like this, BUT take care, because we are all different, and there’s might be some inaccurate information on Facebook πŸ€“

On the subject of information, there’s an excellent, and comprehensive source for Myeloma here:

Here are some words, from Myeloma UK, about Stem Cell Transplant: HDT-ASCT is an intensive treatment option that is not suitable for everyone. It is generally limited to younger and/or fitter patients. There are no rigid age cut-offs but if you are over the age of 65–70 years or if your general health is not good (i.e. older and/or less
fit), you would not normally be a candidate. This is mainly because the possible advantages are almost certainly outweighed by the possible disadvantages of the treatment. However, some patients aged over 70 may be able to receive HDT-ASCT if they are fit enough. Your doctor will discuss your suitability with you.
By the way, HDT-ASCT is “High-Dose Therapy & Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation”. (HDT refers to the large dose of Melphalan that’s given, and Autologous refers to the Stem Cells involved being my own – not a donor’s)

I’m 74 … πŸ˜•

I had a phone call yesterday from the Hospital … but missed it.

Thought to myself … relax … call them back later.

So I did.

And when I did, Susan, the Specialist Transplant Nurse after a while, asked me if 17th October would be OK.

I of course said ‘YES!’ thank you.

So, that’s probably what’s going to happen …

Now I feel a little bit, ummm, concerned.

So … do I want a Stem Cell Transplant ?

Do I need a Stem Cell Transplant?

Shall I?
It’s really quite scary.

Time for some Google “Research”

I thought that I take a ‘poll’ of things that say YES to Stem Cell Transplant, and things that say NO —- for people who are 74+

Here’s what I found:

So it’s 12 to 2 in favour of STC … 🧐 … oh dear.

More later … I’m a bit tired after that πŸ₯±