Nuclear Kidneys

Oh happy days!

I now have an appointment to have my kidneys tested.

I’m very fond of my kidneys … I’ve had them quite a long time, and they’ve always been very good to me.

But now they’re planning to inject me with radio active nuclear stuff, to see how well they’re performing.

So, I have to take my kidneys to hospital next week, and be there for 5 hours while they do their test πŸ’‰πŸ€“

At the same time, they’re planning to thoroughly check my teeth! 😬

I’m very grateful.

Isn’t life interesting 🧐

Oh, by the way, I had a flu jab yesterday …

The pharmacist was really good, and we ended up talking about health things.

He’d caught Covid during the earlier days of the Pandemic … and had been very seriously ill. Sadly, he’d lost the use of his left eye as a result.

We also talked about my Myeloma. I found talking to him strangely emotional, and was holding back tears.

I have no idea what I said, or did, but he said that he found me ‘inspirational’.

What a kind, and powerful thing to say. I have absolutely no idea why he said that.

I think that most people are inspirational.

On Friday morning we decide to escape for a while, on a sunny chilly day.

And find a coffee shop near the river, where we can sit, stare, and get some vitamin D.

We have a Cortado, and small cake, and happiness.

It’s beautiful, and we chat about all sorts of things.

Then my phone ‘pings’.

I ignore it for a while, but half an hour later decide to check it.

It’s from the Hospital.

Now, I have a third appointment next week, and a very important one.

To discuss the transplant details.

The day has changed a bit πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ

Have a lovely positive day everybody πŸ™‚

One comment

  1. β€œTake my kidneys to hospital”.. I love the way you write 😍 I’m glad you do nice things like cortados and cake, definitely necessary Xxx

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