No Admission

Well … as instructed, I waited until 12:00 to phone the Hospital Bed Manager, to check my admission that’s booked for today, Sunday.

Once again, pretty well as I expected, it couldn’t be done, because of bed unavailability.

The main problem is that the treatment that patients like me have (and I will have) totally wipes out the body’s immune system.

So patients really can’t be ‘released’ until that system has recovered enough to restore some safety … and decreased the risk of Sepsis.

Well, according to the Bed Manager, it now seems certain that I will be in that wonderful Hospital by Wednesday (or just possibly Tuesday).

I’m really surprised at how my anxiety level increases, in waves, as a potential Admission day approaches 😳

I’m not consciously worried about any treatment (I think) – but maybe I am about the whole process …

… Starting with leaving home and Amanda … and somehow getting to Hospital with a TRULY HUGE suitcase, and heavy rucksack …

I’ll report back later, to tell you how easy the whole thing was 🙄😊