
I’ve been getting a bit edgy recently, because of the constant delays to Hospital admission …

… and the need to arrange, cancel, and re-arrange transport.

I’ve also been having concerns/worries/fears that the insidious Myeloma (very-creepy-bad-thing) might start quietly, sinisterly and sneekily reappearing. 

SO … I decided to make a total pain of myself and phone the Hospital again!

Alice answered, and I immediately apologised profusely for being a pain, by phoning yet again. 

Immediately Alice said firmly “Your Not!” 

And so I explained my Myeloma fears, and asked if I could have some results from my recent (10 bottle) blood test.  

“I’d really like to know the results for my ‘Para Proteins’ and ‘Light Chains’, please” I explained.

These indicate the presence of the very-creepy-bad-thing.

Alice said that she’d check.

After a lot of paper rustling, she came back with …

Your paraproteins must have been undetectable – they’re not mentioned, and your Light Chains are perfect at 7.

My eyes filled with tears of relief 🥲

I said “In that case Alice, I really don’t mind if my transplant is delayed until next March!” 😊

Alice said that they really didn’t want to wait that long, and that she would arrange another blood test next week for me, locally.

I just thought ‘Bless You Alice!’ 😇  


  1. How utterly fantastic are those PP and LC results!!! Extremely clever, lovely and beautious people sorting you out Xxx

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