It’s a date!

I’ve been thinking about having a really exciting competition, here on HubbleBubble, to predict the date that I’d (eventually) be admitted to hospital 🧐  

There’d be a totally thrilling £5 prize for the reader who guesses the nearest date 😊

But then I remembered that some years ago, when I was a fully-functional* human being, I used to design risk simulation software, for for quite-big-international-scary-companies .  

* some would disagree 

And so, whilst having a fairly idle day today, I decided to build a mental (as in my head) hospital admission delay simulation model 🤓

And, excitingly, here it is!!! …

Hospital Admission Simulation

Here’s the Hospital admission information form:

SO! It follows from this form, and the simulation data, as I’m sure you can see, that my expected admission date is:

14th November !

and …

It could be as late as:

28th November !!

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