“From Scratch”

A few evenings ago we wanted to watch something easy and  relaxing on TV.

Something where I wouldn’t have to keep asking 🤨 “Who’s that?”.

Heading for Netflix, we randomly picked a film, called ‘From Scratch’ .

And watched three and a half of the eight episodes.

It was really enjoyable, and easy to watch. 

We loved it!

Then yesterday afternoon I had a local Hospital appointment to have my PICC line dressing replaced 😕🙄

A young nurse called Meg carefully did what was necessary, as we chatted about this and that.

TV came up in the conversation – so I told her enthusiastically about Netflix and ‘From Scratch’.

I explained that it was about an Arty American lady called Amy, and a Sicilian Chef called Lino, finding each other …  and that it was pleasant and relaxing to watch at the end of a long day.

She caught my enthusiasm, and said that she’d definitely watch it.

After Hospital we headed for home, stopping on the way for Coffee and Cake.

Then that evening we decided to watch some more ‘From Scratch’

The plot rapidly and disconcertingly moved on.

If you’re thinking of watching this film – Do Not Read on yet!

Well, the story continued with:

Lino develops a pain in his knee, which is diagnosed as cancer 😧 

Bear in mind, we’re trying not to think about my problem! 🙄

And he’s set on a course of chemotherapy 😵‍💫

Lino suffers with tiredness 🙄 …

… it all seems horribly scarily familiar 😕

He packs a case to take with him into hospital … 🙄

After successful surgery on his knee, he has more Chemotherapy 😵‍💫

Lino has total remission 😊, with regular medical checks 😕… before It comes back 😧 … then Lino becomes sicker 😱 … then Lino dies 😢 …

but after some ‘bumpy’ times, the story, thankfully, cheers up 👏😊 🥳

‘From Scratch’ really jangled our heads 🤯

It’s probably not a very relaxing film for a Cancer Unit Nurse, at the end of long day 🥱🙄

I have an appointment with Meg again next Friday, and  feel sure that she’s going to think that I’m either weird, or a halfwit, or both!


  1. Totally agree – they need to have trigger warnings!! I definitely won’t be watching this one 😱

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