Alice & Zoella

Alice phoned from Hospital this morning 😊

And she must have taken a very deep breath before contacting us 😧

Because she said that there was absolutely no bed availability in the week ahead, and that … it may be like that until December 🫤

Oh well!! Being positive, we will enjoy the rest of November 🎉🥳👏

When asked about blood test results, Alice says that I’m being monitored from her London Hospital 👀  That feels good, but a little bit spooky 👻

We were both really rocked by Alice’s “admission impossible” statement … and still are.

Anyway, after this, it was time to head to the local hospital for a PICC line dressing change 🙄

Well, in I go for my PICC line refurbishment, feeling just slightly worried that Meg might be there 😊 – and be a bit unhappy about the ‘From Scratch’ video that I recommended. 

But no, it’s Zoella! Who says that she has to get a lot of bottles of blood from me.  In fact 🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸 nine.

It seems that the spooky London Hospital monitoring has increased …

As she presses on with the PICC line refurbishment we talk about this and that.

The proposed Nurses’ strike, Russia and Ukraine 🇺🇦, Christmas, and so on.

It seems strange, that they won’t be striking in this Hospital – but I’m very grateful that they’re not 🙏

We agree on our approach to solving the Russia v Ukraine problem … it potentially involves some travel, a fair amount of gin, and a gun 😳

Another nurse comes in and the discussion turns to Christmas and Bank Holidays.  It seems that no one’s working on Christmas Day.  

At this point that I remember Alice’s words this morning.

And chirp up with some really ‘poor me’ words …

I’ll probably be in Hospital on Christmas Day …

on my own … with a mince pie, and a

balloon (maybe), and with

this sort of music



  1. Arghhh difficult news!
    I hope Father Christmas is reading this 🎅🏼and decides to pay a visit if you’re there on Xmas day, so you have more than just a balloon!

  2. Oh my god, that music… it brings on a mixture of emotions, ranging from sobbing at the thought of you on your own for the “Day” to laughing hysterically at you being so dramatic 😅

    Sorry they don’t have any room at the Inn for the forceable… though I agree with it, I’m pleasantly surprised they’re not striking (a bit NIMBYish 😬)

    Love you lots Xxxxx 🎈

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