Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner!

First night in Hospital

Monday 1:30 am!  – woken by ward doctor 👩‍⚕️, and medical check up/exam follows 🙄

And now I’m writing this 01:57 am.

Ooooo this is a very strange 24 hour world

That’s never happened to me before!

Lots of Doctory questions hot/cold/aches/pains/smoke/alcohol/ etc etc. 

I can’t remember, & wonder what I said to her?  

Bless her, she went off with my home medications.  

She sounded like a nice person. 

I’m thinking ‘Are you asleep, Mandy?’

I’m a really quite awake now, and would love a cup of tea with you xxx

I have a banana in my fridge … Do I fancy a cold banana?

Mmm not sure… YES!  

As I’m eating ½ a banana at 2:15 am, as a  nurse comes in to check my BP etc, and get 4 bottles of blood from my PICC line, and 1 bottle of wee from the floor – which she measures (1 love the science 👏👏) … 

This world is very definitely strange (to me)

Are you awake Mandy? are you awake anybody?  Hope you’re all sleeping peacefully.  Is this a publishable blog?  Probably not 🤣

THEN at 4:07am the Dr comes back to return my home medicines – and points to them, in a friendly way, as she leaves 😵‍💫

Is everyone in London up all night?

Can I come home now?

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