DAY 35

I’ve just had my first blood test results since leaving Hospital.

And I’m almost normal … already!!!


I’m absolutely thrilled and grateful!!!

I still need to be extremely careful about avoiding infection – because my blood cells are really brand new, and still in the very early days of training at blood cell school.


Thank you everyone for

your support x


  1. That’s” Bloomin Wonderful“
    We laughed,🤣We cried🥲 , We whoopeeeed🥳
    Now we just keep grinning at each other across the room 😊😊
    Need to celebrate so it’s a …
    … hot cup of tea and a slice of Madeira cake with apricot jam
    “Keep doing what your doing “
    “Accept the Fatigue –
    Make sure you start moving and keep Isolating”
    Those were the consultants words of wisdom today
    She will phone again in New Year to monitor progress !
    So now you know why Steve posted his Positivity Flag 👏🏻👏🏻
    It’s an Amazing Wonderful life xx
    Long way to go but it’s nice to
    🎼. 🎤 Feel Good 🎶 dooden dooden dooden do🎶
    Hope you all understand what I’m trying to sing

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