DAY 44

Bloomin’ hospital assessment day 🙄 don’t like these, and don’t want to be in hospital as I am, now.

Do I have any problems?  Yes, the Doctor is late, and that’s a problem because  I want to go for a walk around Rochester castle … and it’s a blue sky day again.

Any medical problems … not really …. Are you sure Stephen? aka Richard?  Be honest!  Well, if I’m totally honest, um, there’s one small problem, but it’s really minuscule.  

Now the Doctor is really late! 🤬 I NEED to be out in the fresh air walking, not sitting in hospital 🙄 

He’s here! An hour and a half late!!

It turns out that he’s a very pleasant young man, a very thorough doctor, with a very good sense of humour.

I tell him about our delayed walk, and he apologises for being late, and says that Rishi Sunak is to blame, because he has to cover 5 wards.  I feel bad for being grumpy.

So all’s good.  He spends an hour + going through everything, testing for infection (all clear), and booking my next appointment.

When all’s done, he says ‘right, go and enjoy your walk!’  

And we do.

Rochester Castle

Off to the castle, coffee and sausage rolls, and then I do a total of 1,406 steps 🙂😊👏👏👏

That’s a record for December 😊


  1. Hi
    We made it for walk and pops/dad/Steve was capable of more but we heeded the physios words and left more for another day 😊
    Definite improvement even did his curb drill and crossed the road like a man on a mission 🤣 Wonderful to see x
    I went back and did another circuit of the grounds to boost my step count 🤔.
    Todays doctor at Medway gave lots of positive vibes
    Adding those to the ones from the Kings College specialist that phoned the day before things are feeling “pretty good”

    Positivity flag is waving again 😊😊

    Blue skys help ______more please !

    I actually

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