Yesterday we had a meeting with my consultant, to discuss progress. It seems that, with Mandy’s support, I’m doing well. Very well Dr Gurung tried to convince me that the change to Apixaban could have caused the rash that’s driving me mad … this distracted my for a few seconds BUT after this distraction,… Continue reading DAY 220
Category: Uncategorized
DAY 220
DAY 219

DAY 218

DAY 217
DAY 216

Today has been a slightly weird scrundly day, because of the rash and itching. But I haven’t taken any any anti-itch stuff, or anti-histamines … maybe I should have. I’m hoping that things will improve tomorrow I’m hoping that, because the itching hasn’t been so bad today – but the tiredness has been horrible.… Continue reading DAY 216
DAY 215
DAY 214

Today I’ve been very itchy … I just can’t stop scratching …. … it was really irritating, until I found this! “Multiple Myeloma Patients with Lenalidomide-Associated Skin Rash Have a Favourable Prognosis” Now, I’m happy to scratch
Happy Days!
DAY 213
DAY 212

Yesterday, I had a call from the hospital . It was to tell me about the situation with Rivaroxaban & Apixaban. These are HubblyBubbly things which limit blood clotting, and are essential when taking things like Lenalidomide because it tends to cause blood clots … and nobody wants a clot
Apparently my Consultant said… Continue reading DAY 212