Still going through the Zeldronic Acid after effects … hence the 51%. [what’s the other 49%]But still feeling positive.
Category: Uncategorized
DAY 270
DAY 269
DOWN TO 54% because of the Zelodronic Acid infusion yesterday – it’s horrible, but I do know that I’ll be better soon. Earlier this week, I was in hospital for a blood test, and chatting with the nurse. I told her proudly about keeping track of how human I feel (as I become stronger) and… Continue reading DAY 269%
DAY 268
Today I had my last (I really hope) Zelodronic Acid infusion. It’s the one that gives me aches and pains and Flu for about 3 days. My Nurse, Camille (who by the way is excellent), checked that it was my last infusion and after searching through my records said “No it’s not. This treatment… Continue reading DAY 268.
DAY 267
DAY 266
DAY 265
DAY 264
YES … even more human, I think and feel today Yesterday, my son, three lovely grandchildren and a new puppy arrived … It’s so strange … their visit has made me feel more human – again xx Bit tired today – but that’s ok
% !!!!
DAY 263

DAY 262
Oh poo … back on Lenalidomide again for the next three weeks. Started at 7pm on Monday But very very happily, I’m now feeling
% Human
and … today is FRIDAY!
Hope I can stay at 89.5% until I advance to 90+%
… I think I can … I know I… Continue reading DAY 262