Yesterday we had a meeting with my consultant, to discuss progress. It seems that, with Mandy’s support, I’m doing well. Very well 😊😊 Dr Gurung tried to convince me that the change to Apixaban could have caused the rash that’s driving me mad … this distracted my for a few seconds BUT after this distraction,… Continue reading DAY 220 ⛱️🗣️
Category: Uncategorized
DAY 219⛱️☀️
DAY 218🗣️⛱️
DAY 217⛱️
DAY 216😊🗣️😕🤔🥴
Today has been a slightly weird scrundly day, because of the rash and itching. But I haven’t taken any any anti-itch stuff, or anti-histamines … maybe I should have. I’m hoping that things will improve tomorrow 🙂🤞 I’m hoping that, because the itching hasn’t been so bad today – but the tiredness has been horrible.… Continue reading DAY 216😊🗣️😕🤔🥴
DAY 215🤪
DAY 214🗣️😵💫
Today I’ve been very itchy 😕 … I just can’t stop scratching …. … it was really irritating, until I found this! “Multiple Myeloma Patients with Lenalidomide-Associated Skin Rash Have a Favourable Prognosis” Now, I’m happy to scratch 😊🤣 Happy Days! 😊
DAY 213⛱️
DAY 212⛱️🗣️
Yesterday, I had a call from the hospital 😳. It was to tell me about the situation with Rivaroxaban & Apixaban. These are HubblyBubbly things which limit blood clotting, and are essential when taking things like Lenalidomide because it tends to cause blood clots … and nobody wants a clot 🙄 Apparently my Consultant said… Continue reading DAY 212⛱️🗣️