DAY 30

Well today is DAY 30.  I need to track the DAY count because it’s a progress measure. Everything is going well, but the snow and ice are annoying. Because of that, we can’t get to hospital for my blood tests.  I’ve just spoken to the Hospital staff, and my blood tests will now be done… Continue reading DAY 30

DAY 29

STILL FROZEN HERE🙄! We still can’t get out of our house for Hospital appointments !!!

DAY 28

But having a peacefully happy recovery day 😊

DAY 27

Snow, and a bit wobbly 😵‍💫 … I must be patient! I tried a bit too hard yesterday, and paid the price today 🥴, so I must slow down!! And, because of the snow, we couldn’t attend a hospital appointment this morning 🙄. So sleepy recovery day 😶

DAY 26

Can you tell … … that I’m pleased to be home? Taking everything slowly. Recovering gently, and happily x


I can’t find the words to describe how wonderful it is to be at home again. My emotions include: 😊🙂🤣😌😉😴🥱😵‍💫🤡😬🤗🥳😍🥲🥰❤️😋🎉 and more. Most of all I’m happy and hugely grateful to you, yes you! I’m unsurprisingly a bit slow, and cautious (because of infection risks) – but I’m working at becoming stronger. What a beautiful… Continue reading DAY 25 & HOME

DAY 24

🎄❄️🚀🎉🤶🌲🥳🍾🎈🎊 IT’S MY LAST DAY IN HOSPITAL!!! I’m so pleased, and grateful for everything thing that the staff here hav done for me. I must admit that I’m a little emotional 💗 More later – thank you everyone for your wonderful support. 😳 Look at my Neutrophil level today … my body must have known… Continue reading DAY 24

DAY 23

Even though my neutrophils have decreased a little … This Is A Very Good Day! Here’s today’s neutrophil situation: And here’s the situation for some of my other blood cells: Some of these blood cells are a bit low, and that can make me a bit weak and/or tired. But these will recover over time.… Continue reading DAY 23

DAY 22

Well, things are definitely improving – but not as fast as I’d hoped. Here’s today’s Neutrophil graph: The problem right now, is lack of energy, and that’s probably because my Haemoglobin is a bit low at 81. The healthy range is 130 to 175 gms/litre. Another important marker CRP (C-reactive protein) indicates level of infection.… Continue reading DAY 22

DAY 21

21 has always been a lucky number, for me … so look at this … I’ll explain this and some other good news bits in a while – but I need a rest first x