DAY 116

I’m almost at the end of Cycle 6, and hopefully about to change to a less demanding and damaging form of HubbleBubble. The consolidation Cycles (5 and 6) that started in January, have been very much more unpleasant than anything that I’ve experienced before. Hopefully, things will get better soon. The Consultant situation is worrying… Continue reading DAY 116

DAY 114

Just taking it easyish today, and recovering from yesterday’s problems 🙂

DAY 113🙄

Hope the roads will clear ! Then I’ll be ready for this at midday 🤣 I drove into hospital, and all ok in terms of snow and roads.  Arriving at the unit and there were ambulances in my way … so I waited and waited and waited – but that was fine. In I go… Continue reading DAY 113🙄

DAY 112

Very tabletty day today ! Slightly challenging again 🙄😊 But last time for all of this lot, I think – I hope 🤞

DAY 111

My last Darzalex, Velcade, Thalidomide and Dexamethasone for the current HubbleBubble treatment 😊👏 I’ve decided today that I’m not going to fret about “Hammer Drill Wednesday” … I’m going to be positive, relax, and float off to a beach while my bone marrow is being checked 😊

DAY 110

Well, a bit better today and quite busy. For various reasons I’ve had to go through a lot of my treatment records – from the very start in February 2022. It’s not the most positive and uplifting thing to do. And I kept loosing papers, forgetting where I was, and being distracted by what I… Continue reading DAY 110

DAY 109

Oh dear … just 4 and a bit days to the Biopsi … it just had to be on DAY 113, didn’t it 🫤

DAY 108

Today, and the last few days have been quite rough, and not nice, a bit like this … I’d totally forgotten, that HubbleBubble drugs accumulate over time, so that the side effects increase as days go by. And one of the big effects is Weird, Utterly Limiting, Fatigue 🥱 It’s not just like being a… Continue reading DAY 108