DAY 119

Mmmmm … a strange day …

Note: As you probably know, I’m Steve!, but in Hospital I’m Richard🤫

Today’s the day for another Blood Test🙄 and my final injection of this treatment cycle 😊🥳

I drive to the Hospital, park near the entrance, jump* out of the car, and walk in using my two crutches.

* “wobble” really

At the entrance, the nice lady (Dina) says “you’re booked in already Richard” … I say “but I’m only at the front door!” … Dina says “I saw you in the car park” and a nurse alongside her (Ginata) says with a smile “High Richard!” 😳

This is a bit strange …

Off I go for my Blood Test, and Ginata follows me, and then calls “Richard” … “it’s the door on your left!”.  

I think “That’s a meeting room” and ask why it’s changed.  Ginata says that they’re very busy, so they have two rooms for blood tests.


I chat with Ginata, and mention last Wednesday’s problem – and my plan to swap out my consultant.  She thinks that I’ve done the right thing !!!! 😳

Blood done, I head off to the reception area to wait for my final injection of these cycles of HubbleBubble.

There I’m given a really nice cup of tea, and then with a trainee Canterbury University nurse, go for treatment.  She checks all of my vitally vital signs, and asks for my Hospital number.  A nurse nearby says don’t worry about that … I know him, that’s Richard Allen 😳

Injection done, off I go, nip into the loo, and as I leave the door slams very loudly, frightening a few patients.  I apologise to the room … and a laughing voice behind me asks “are you ok Richard?” 😳

What IS going on?  😳

Oh – I think I know 🤔 Someone’s been talking 😳


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