DAY 120

Another interesting day here at HubbleBubble central …

… and we feel a little like this

Where are we going now?

A Macmillan Nurse (Kelly) phoned this morning, and said that from today I have a new Consultant.

My old one, a Dr S G, has been exchanged for my new one Dr S A

Kelly sounded very stressed, brief … she didn’t want to talk.

This was actually a very big surprise because the Macmillan Nurses we’re told on Friday, that I wanted to speak to Dr G to explain my concerns, and if necessary part amicably … and they agreed with that.

Well, we hope that things will go better with Dr S A – at least she has the same initials as me 🙂

But, what have I done?
And where are we going?

I hope this makes a good difference.

Wish us luck 😊😊

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