Today is day Zero … 

the day that I get my stem cells back.  

These are my own Stem Cells that were collected on 22nd and 23rd August.

Yesterday was day ‘Minus One’, and a very long day too, with lots of fluids being pushed around me.

The main fluid was Melphalan.

And now I’m in the easy bit until Friday. After that things get slightly tricky.

It’s actually quite hard writing this because of the supporting medication that I’ve been given.

The supporting medication is a bundle of tablets, and a few jabs. These include Steroids, Antibiotics, Anti-inflammatories, fever control, Tramodol, and things like that 🤔

I’ve just been told that there are 8 ‘bags’ of my stem cells, and infusion of each takes about 25 minutes – so that’s about 3 hours in total

Xx ok More later. 


  1. What supporting medication have you been given? Thank you for keeping us updated, always thinking of you Xxxxx

    1. Thank you for that question Rhian … I don’t really know the details but they include Steroids, Pain Killers, AntiBs, Anti Sickness, Fever 🥵 stuff, and other weird things. I’ll try to find out more x

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